
Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Acts 1:8- But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and tell people about me everywhere, in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

I'm so sorry for not posting in a while and thank you to all those that checked up on me. I was quite busy with these classes I was taking at church. They're called confirmation classes. For those who don't know, Confirmation is a service in the Anglican Church where the Holy Spirit is invoked upon a person and the person's salvation is confirmed per se. And so that leads to today's theme- THE HOLY SPIRIT.
We all know, I suppose, that Peter denied Jesus thrice during His trial. But this same Peter did exploits for Christ later on. How? He later received the Holy Spirit. So what? The Holy Spirit gives you boldness to declare your salvation and spread Christ's gospel.
Yes, I've received the Holy Spirit and I speak in tongues. I'm sorry but I have to tell you that all that doesn't mean you're filled with the Holy Spirit. Look at this - a glass may have water in it but that doesn't mean it's filled with water! So brother/sister you may have the Holy Spirit, but are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Or well, you may be filled with the Holy Spirit at a certain time but that doesn't mean you'll remain filled forever. That same glass may be filled with water now but doesn't remain so forever. Some of the water may pour off and worse, if the water is not being used, some of it may evaporate off! So it is with the Holy Spirit.
It is recorded in Acts 4:31 that when the disciples had already received the Holy Spirit Jesus promised them (Acts 2), they went for a refill! So you can't receive the Holy Spirit and remain the same!
Finally, the Holy Spirit makes your conscience stronger. I sincerely don't know if this is with everybody but with me and a few people I've met, it is. So if you're about to commit sin, the Holy Spirit causes your conscience to knock harder and at that point it becomes your decision to make.
I pray that the Holy Spirit- the comforter, sanctifier and reminder of all things will fall on readers of this blog so that we'll all be bold to share God's word!

Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace!
I love you all!
God bless you!