Daniel 1:8- But Daniel decided not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief official for permission to eat other things instead.
Many a times, we are fond of deciding and ending there. Like me, for instance, my thinking and deciding time is night. I'll make all sorts of decisions at night and in the morning I'm too lazy to act on them.
Daniel, as we see in out opening text did not just decide. He could have decided and stopped there and be tempted to eat the king's food when it comes again. He took a step. He went to the chief official and made this decision known to him. This gave him a total restraint from the king's food. Have you decided to live above sin? Take a step! Take away anything and everything that could lead you back to sin in from life. Have you decided to be at the top of your chosen career? Take a step! Go for it! Work hard! Do everything it takes.
As they say, the graveyard is full of talent and I'll say decisions too. Don't dare to die with that decision. Its nice to decide to be great buh is that all? Are you doing all that it takes to be great? Have you decided to make heaven? Are you doing all that it takes to make heaven? These really are questions we need to ask ourselves each passing day. Don't be full of dreams and aspirations and never achieve any! Don't be a goal setter and not a goal getter.
Stand up and act on that decision you have taken today! The world is waiting for you. Heaven is waiting for you!
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace!
God bless you!
As a Christian growing each day in His word, I love to help other growing Christians like me grow in His grace, through His word.
Monday, 26 September 2016
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
1 Peter 1:7- These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold and your faith is more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. (NLT)
I've come to understand that trials are from God and temptations from Satan. James 1:13. Also that being tempted is not sin but succumbing is. Another thing is that people tend to confuse these. What do I mean? My mom attends a Christian fellowship that holds every Monday and then the attendance is dropping by the day. Why? It rains every Monday and so most members can't attend. Some people feel that's Satan's way of killing the fellowship. Well, I don't think so. I don't believe Satan has power over the rains (correct me if I'm wrong) . I feel its God's way of trying the faith of these members. Would I let myself be derived of some corporate time with God cos of the rain? Christ says our faith will definitely be tried but he assures us that God cannot try us beyond our capability. Now that's quite relieving.
Another noteworthy point is that during trials which are from God, Satan sees us as most vulnerable and so comes with his temptations at those times. For instance, God is trying your faith in Him and for some time after graduating from the university with an excellent result, you're jobless. No means of income. This could be a trial from God. One day, you get into a taxi cab and lo, there's this bag of money that might have been forgotten in there. Now God's word directly says DO NOT STEAL! You see, Satan comes at a time when you need money most (are vulnerable). And then fleeing that temptation could come with rewards from God. Maybe you return the money and the owner is so impressed he/she gives you a job in his/her company. That's what God promised, you'll definitely be victorious at last.
Please read the first post on freedom over sin if you haven't and see that you can be like Job and when Satan thinks you're most vulnerable you can say no to temptation. I can't overemphasize how proud God is of you each time you pass His trial and say no to temptation to sin (the opening text says it all). Remember, there can be no trial from God beyond your capability. God bless you as you flee temptation and stay strong in time of trial.
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace.
Don't forget to comment any other point you think is noteworthy on the trials of our faith and if you have any contrary opinions to any point stated here please don't hesitate to put it in. If you have an answer to if Satan can control the rains. An answer well grounded please put it in also. Remain blessed!
Thursday, 15 September 2016
We're in a society where people demean men of God publicly - on social media, during interviews, etc. This is just sad.
I recently watched a video where a young man kept on mocking a man of God publicly and this man of God called fire upon this guy. There was no fire and this only made this guy laugh harder. If that pastor is truly anointed of God, I pity the future of that young man.
I may be reading this post and saying I'm not part of that. I've never hurt any man of God. Well, you may not be doing this Yh, but maybe through your talk. Who are you to judge if this man of God is truly anointed or not? Who are you to judge if he's leading his sheep astray or not?
Psalms 134:1-3 - Behold, bless ye the Lord, all he servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. The Lord that made the heaven and the earth bless thee out of Zion.
Record has it that in this psalm, the children of Israel, before departing home blessed the Levites(priests). They did so to encourage them not to be slack in their worship. And in verse 3, the Levites blessed them.
Have you ever thought of praying for that man of God you think is derailing? Have you thought of advising your pastor who you've seen doing stuff that doesn't glorify God?
Friends, let's choose the right path today. Be like the Israelites and I assure you that the blessings of God will always be upon you. God bless you!
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace!
As usual, any comments (inclusive or contrary) don't fail to post in the comment section. Remain blessed☺☺
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Rom 12:1- Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God- this is your spiritual act of worship.
Ask yourself, if I go out dressed in this overexposing cloth, am I presenting yourself as a living sacrifice unto God?
Why should I be going out with friends and I wear what is comfortable and they say I need to show more skin?
I implore us to please go out today dressed in what we're comfortable in and what glorifies God and not what the society and the world expects us to be dressed in. We are only pilgrims on this earth and so as Rom 12 says we should transform the world no matter how small we are and not conform with the world. Yes you can.
So yes as usual, any opinion (inclusive or contrary) please don't fail to put it in the comment section.
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace!
Monday, 5 September 2016
If you were God, would you love sinners up to the extent of sending your only son to die for them?
If you were Jesus, would you stoop so low as to wash the feet of a man you were fully aware was going to betray you?
As clearly written in our manual, the Bible, God loves us regardless of our sins. And so we have this one question to answer - if God, the creator loves all souls regardless, who are we(the creature) to have criteria for our love?
Today, we are in a diverse world. Different beliefs,different religions, etc. If there's anything we could do to make Christianity stand out today, it has to be LOVE!
You don't have to compromise your faith because of a neighbor of another religion or one who doesn't even believe God exists. All you have to do is show them love. I have this strong assurance that this is what Christ expects of us believers today. Love, I emphasize is one of the strongest tools for soul winning.
John 13:34-35 - A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Go out today, show love to people around you whether saved or unsaved because you have no right whatsoever to love only saved souls. God didn't.
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace.
God bless you!
So, once again, if you have any opinion to this(contrary or inclusive) please don't fail to comment. God bless you.
Saturday, 3 September 2016
The big difference between us is this - I've been able to find a solution per se to this issue, with the help of God i must say.
You know in the Bible when Satan told God that Job was serving Him cos of the blessings he showered on him. I am extremely inspired by Job. He did something i must point out today. He proved Satan wrong! Of course, Satan could only hide his ugly head after all his rantings and Job still served God regardless.
If you hate Satan as much as i do, this could be your solution. At each point you're about to go back to that sin, remember Satan and how he is more than ready to accuse you before God, and do something. PROVE HIM WRONG!
He believes you're weak and can"t help it. he thinks you're vulnerable but tell him this - No! I'm filled with the Spirit and so can flee temptation. Tell him you have power to say no to sin. Tell him to remain under your feet where he resides because you serve Jesus who died and rose again 3 days after. He has power over the grave and so you have power over sin!
Yes, you can lead a sinless life. You're more than able.
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace!
So this is my first post and i hope you guys like it. Tell me your opinions in the comment section.
God bless you!