
Tuesday, 13 September 2016


I stumbled upon this picture on my Facebook and I became worried. I only had one question to ask myself - why should a man's "seductive" clothing show almost no skin, well covered and a woman's be unmistakably underwear? These people come up today preaching that a woman should no longer be seen as an object of sex but I have a question to ask them. Why should a woman then be the one to show skin? 
Rom 12:1- Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God- this is your spiritual act of worship.
Ask yourself, if I go out dressed in this overexposing cloth, am I presenting yourself as a living sacrifice unto God?
Why should I be going out with friends and I wear what is comfortable and they say I need to show more skin?
I implore us to please go out today dressed in what we're comfortable in and what glorifies God and not what the society and the world expects us to be dressed in. We are only pilgrims on this earth and so as Rom 12 says we should transform the world no matter how small we are and not conform with the world. Yes you can.

So yes as usual, any opinion (inclusive or contrary) please don't fail to put it in the comment section.
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace!


  1. This is true.we should also remember that how we dress is the way we'll be addressed. If you want people to treat you with respect, then dress respectably. We are representatives of Christ and ambassadors here on earth! If earthly ambassadors of countries dress well; how much more we the children of God who are ambassadors of the kingdom! Be blessed!

  2. This is true.we should also remember that how we dress is the way we'll be addressed. If you want people to treat you with respect, then dress respectably. We are representatives of Christ and ambassadors here on earth! If earthly ambassadors of countries dress well; how much more we the children of God who are ambassadors of the kingdom! Be blessed!
