
Tuesday, 20 September 2016


1 Peter 1:7- These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold and your faith is more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. (NLT)

I've come to understand that trials are from God and temptations from Satan. James 1:13. Also that being tempted is not sin but succumbing is. Another thing is that people tend to confuse these. What do I mean? My mom attends a Christian fellowship that holds every Monday and then the attendance is dropping by the day. Why? It rains every Monday and so most members can't attend. Some people feel that's Satan's way of killing the fellowship. Well, I don't think so. I don't believe Satan has power over the rains (correct me if I'm wrong) . I feel its God's way of trying the faith of these members. Would I let myself be derived of some corporate time with God cos of the rain? Christ says our faith will definitely be tried but he assures us that God cannot try us beyond our capability. Now that's quite relieving.
Another noteworthy point is that during trials which are from God, Satan sees us as most vulnerable and so comes with his temptations at those times. For instance, God is trying your faith in Him and for some time after graduating from the university with an excellent result, you're jobless. No means of income. This could be a trial from God. One day, you get into a taxi cab and lo, there's this bag of money that might have been forgotten in there. Now God's word directly says DO NOT STEAL! You see, Satan comes at a time when you need money most (are vulnerable). And then fleeing that temptation could come with rewards from God. Maybe you return the money and the owner is so impressed he/she gives you a job in his/her company. That's what God promised, you'll definitely be victorious at last.
Please read the first post on freedom over sin if you haven't and see that you can be like Job and when Satan thinks you're most vulnerable you can say no to temptation. I can't overemphasize how proud God is of you each time you pass His trial and say no to temptation to sin (the opening text says it all). Remember, there can be no trial from God beyond your capability. God bless you as you flee temptation and stay strong in time of trial.
Remain Soaked With Amazing Grace.

Don't forget to comment any other point you think is noteworthy on the trials of our faith and if you have any contrary opinions to any point stated here please don't hesitate to put it in. If you have an answer to if Satan can control the rains. An answer well grounded please put it in also. Remain blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the ways to overcome trials and temptations is by using the word of God. Jesus overcame temptations with the word of God. The same goes for trials. They are a test of faith as aforementioned. Therefore just like for earthly tests we study to pass them. So also must we study our Bibles to pass through trials. The word of God should be at our finger tips! It's our weapon.
